Meridian Lamp | ferm LIVING


Bestellware - Versandfertig in 2 - 3 Wochen

Meridian Lamp | ferm LIVING

The Meridian Lamp offers a portable, dimmable lighting solution that fits well in a variety of spaces. The intriguing, sculptural form of the Meridian Lamp was designed in collaboration with design studio Regular Company and is based on three simple geometric elements. Combined, they give the lamp a clean, modern look. It can be charged easily and without hassle and provides up to 12 hours of light at a time.

W: 20.9 x H: 26 x D: 17 cm
Powder coated steel

Non-removable LED light source, warm white. Lifespan: 30,000 hours. Only approved for EU/NO/CH

Not suitable for outdoor use. Wipe with a damp cloth. Deviations possible. Information without guarantee.

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